One of the few natives in California, I'm an avowed East Bay-ite, married to a native Texan from a long line of Cave Texans. He's transplanted and thriving in California soil. I'm mostly a self-taught gardener, though I have taken a few classes here and there. And (this is kind of embarassing) one of the best ways to make me fall happily asleep is focusing intently on a couple of pages from a large garden reference book. I have a rather large library, a Meyers-Briggs INTJ personality, and at least two more plants than should comfortably fit in any pot or bed at any given time.
My mom gardens every year, and she taught me. We get together and put up strawberry jam, applebutter, and pickles all the time. She is the source of the dirt under my fingernails. She, my Texan and I are looking for just the right spot to pot up our family, so keep yer fingers crossed!
Here are the trials I have planned.